We’re Here to Revolutionize the World of Reality Capture in the AEC Industry

What is MJ4D?

Web app for exploring
the digital twin of real-world places
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Web app for exploring the digital twin of real-world places
Immersive digital documentation
using 3D LiDAR point clouds
and 360-degree panoramic photos

Created by AEC professionals for the AEC industry
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Accessible on desktop, tablet, or mobile
Why We Created MJ4D
Our experts created MJ4D to fulfill the need for a web-based digital twin viewer tailored to the AEC industry.
MJ4D is Made For

Fast and easy access from a web browser with nothing to install

Ability to incorporate data from multiple sources simultaneously

Intuitive navigation of both outdoor and interior spaces

Software integrations: MicroStation, AutoCAD, ArcGIS, Google Earth
GIS Professionals
Community Leaders
Community Planners
Facility Managers
Law Enforcement

Ability to incorporate data from multiple sources simultaneously
About MJ
MJ is focused on pushing the limits of the latest technology to equal the speed at which the world is changing
M.J. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. is a multi-disciplined engineering and land surveying firm and a pioneer in the use of laser scanning and mobile mapping in the AEC industry.
MJ owns and maintains the latest, technologically advanced survey equipment and software, which is continuously upgraded to maintain a competitive edge.
In addition to serving a wide variety of clientele, MJ4D is used by all MJ's in-house engineering disciplines.
Applications of MJ4D
Coordination and visualization is seamless with the online viewer
Measure distances, heights, elevations and clearances with precision
Provide estimates and plan operations, maintenance, and project phasing
Archive pre and post construction, asset inventory and site documentation

MJ is focused on pushing the limits of the latest technology to equal the speed at which the world is changing
MJ Engineering, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Land Surveying, P.C. is a multi-disciplined engineering and land surveying firm and a pioneer in the use of laser scanning and mobile mapping in the AEC industry.
MJ owns and maintains the latest, technologically advanced survey equipment and software, which is continuously upgraded to maintain a competitive edge.
In addition to serving a wide variety of clientele, MJ4D is used by all MJ's in-house engineering disciplines.

Web app for exploring
the digital twin of real-world places
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Immersive digital documentation using 3D LiDAR point clouds and 360-degree panoramic photos